The Writings of Joaquín Nin Castellanos: Pour l’art (1909) and Idées et commentaires (1912)

The Writings of Joaquín Nin Castellanos: Pour l’art (1909) and Idées et commentaires (1912)

A showcase of his aesthetic beliefs

Joaquín Nin Castellanos, although born in Cuba, was really more of a Spaniard in spirit who developed his works primarily within the Parisian musical scene. Nin stood out for being a renowned pianist in early twentieth century Europe, but his roles as a music critic/writer, a researcher, a musicologist, a pedagogue and as a composer, together combine to construct his distinguished professional career. Nin’s output is based on a strict aesthetic doctrine whose elements are a result of his research, his extensive musical experience and the analysis of the musical environment. A substantial part of Nin’s aesthetic thought can be collected from his writings in Pour l’art (Paris, 1909) and Idées et commentaires (Paris, 1912), which aim at describing his concept of art. Nin’s literature reflects a critical, combative spirit and it also raises some of the common musical concerns at that time. Therefore, the wide range of topics posed by Nin and their importance at that time, render his facet as a writer one of the most interesting features of his personality.

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Tamara Valverde Flores


Publicado en mayo 2015

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